Monday, January 28, 2008

Far away, back in time
A poet was looking for a rhyme
Back and forth he always went
But no joy for him was meant

Yet one day his search hath stopped
When in a tower's door he knocked
For there, above, amidst the clouds
Was the girl he dreamed, dressed in shrouds

Hundreds of stairs he had to climb
But, in love, he didn't feel the time
So he rushed with greed towards the top
Reaching her just when the sun began to drop

Restless was he a second ago
But when her hair he seen it flow
In an instant his breath was gone
On his life he swore - she was the one

Her face was beauty, but look above
Her hair was nothing short of love
Shining like the goddess Moon
And softer then the Heaven's tune

Then he approached, with a shy smile
And asked if he could stay a while
Not much, just as long the stars will shine
While his eyes forget to whine

For she was for him sublime
Far beyond an ecstatic rhyme
In his knees he fell right there
Ready for his youth to share

In front of him she smiled, quite cold
In his ear something she told
For suddenly his eyes turned gray
And crying, he then jumped astray

From that moment, till today
His spirit hasn't found a place to lay
Back and forth he wanders through
Remembering the night he flew

Her hair's smell now haunts him still
Just like the body he was close to feel
Now he can't but sing this rhyme
Far away, forever in time...
posted by Sirius at 1:58 PM | Permalink |