Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Desolate Cities
Broken buildings and bodies
Destroyed streets and sewers
Shadows are now enriching them,
Places of disaster...

Yesterday, they were full
Of love,
Of lust,
Of laughter,
There were so many people,
All with their own thoughts
With their own stories

Yet together they were all
Large groups everywhere to be seen
Having fun,
Sharing their conscience,
Their minds, their souls

Then someone came to ask them
"Dear people, you are so happy,
How do you do that?"

Their answer was sudden
In monotone voices:
"I listen to my friends
I take care of them
And my life
Follows my need for fun
My need for love...
Having fun with lovers and friends
While all apart are less important
Just boring, necessary things
So I am really living my life!"

Understood this immediatly he had
Yet he put another question
Asking each and everyone
"Who are you?"

They did not have any time to answer
For in that moment
The city began to fall
Each and everyone of them
Became a raging demon
Storming through both life and matter

Broken buildings and bodies
Destroyed streets and sewers
Only shadows are now
To enrich them,
Places of disaster

Still one man was left alive
And now he's whispering between his tears
"I am the soul of my dear love"
While the angry gods on him descended.

posted by Sirius at 7:37 AM | Permalink |